The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: “The dearest to Allah is the one who is the most beneficial to people”al Tabarani
We at the ISBCC are excited by the approach of the holy month of Ramadan. During this blessed time of heightened worship and remembrance of Allah (swt), we are reminded that one of the greatest acts of devotion lies in serving others within our community. We seek the favor of Allah (swt) by dedicating our time and resources to helping those around us.
Over a thousand worshipers walk through our doors each night. We need your help in ensuring that we have the best experience for all.
Ramadan Events
To see a full list of ISBCC’s Ramadan programming click here
Prayer Times
Prayer Times, including Tarawih click here
Ways to Give
To support your center with a generous one time or ongoing gift click here
Click here to learn about specific Volunteer opportunities and sign up to help.
We’re employing youth from our community, with a focus on growth and development.