We remind everyone to pray to God Almighty to protect the innocent everywhere, especially the weak, the infirm, children and the elderly, and have mercy on the souls of those who have passed away. | Respect your neighbors, elderly & handicapped – come early and walk from designated RCC lots, saving parking lots for those who need them – No parking in Timilty School.Ā  Never double park or block driveways

Prayer Times


ISB Cambridge

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Sahar A. Mattar
Masha'Allah, may Allah reward you all for your generous work and effort you contribute to glorify this masjid.
Deeqa Hersi
Masha allaha jasaakalahu khayra to all who work in the Masjid and all the people who support.
Rooh Ullah
Lovely and full of peaceful people place ISBCC isĀ ❤️


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