Iftar Sponsorship

Can we get supporters to help us provide 10,000 Iftars?
iftars sponsored of 10000. May Allah accept
Please provide No. of Iftar sponsorships below and donate generously. Jazakallah Khairun
$ 0.00

Promote your business by advertising at the ISBCC. Click here for more information.

2% - 3% of online donations go to cover credit/debit card processing fees. If you would like 100% of your donation to go directly to the ISBCC please donate using a check or stock transfer.

*To mail in your donation, please make your check payable to "ISBCC" and send to: 100 Malcolm X Blvd, Roxbury, MA 02120.

**For corporate matching or our planned giving program, please contact us at give@isbcc.org.

May Allah (swt) multiply your reward and bless you for your generous contribution. Thank you!