Boston Masajid Statement on Eid


Boston Masajid Statement on Eid

In preparation to implementing the new relaxed state and governmental policies around social distancing as announced by Gov. Baker today, the ISBCC has reached out to several community masajids and centers to open the discussion around the implications of this subject. The goal behind this initiative was to help provide implementation guidelines befitting our Muslim community and centers in the greater Boston area.

Several centers participated in this conversation including:

  • Sheikh Khalid Nasr.
  • Mosque for Praising Allah – Roxbury.
  • Worcester Islamic Center (WIC).
  • Yusuf Mosque – Brighton.
  • American Muslim Center (AMC – Everett Mosque)
  • Islamic Society of Boston - Roxbury Mosque (ISBCC).
  • Islamic Society of Boston - Cambridge Mosque (ISB).

Suggestions recommended restraint and gradual reopening of the Masajids, not to gather publically to observe Eidul Fitr and to instead livestream a sermon (or khatirah) along with the Eid Takbirat. Others suggest to reopen for select daily prayers, Jumuah and Eidul Fitr.

The community leaders agreed to proceed with a 2-phase re-opening plan:

  • Starting June 1st and based on the published new cases and recovery statistics as well as the CDC and DPH guidelines, the rest of the mosques will start to gradually execute their own phased re-opening plans, each with its own timeline and measures specific to the particular mosque and its situation. Each mosque will announce and post its phased re-opening plan on its website as it becomes ready.

The proposed general advice for Eid would be for the community to stay-at-home, have breakfast with their families, and to join the Takbirat on Zoom, and listen to the sermon or Khatira.

Please consult the leadership of your Masjid or center and follow their official announcement regarding the Eid celebration in particular, and too, the changes, if any, in the scheduled activities of your center or Masjid.

May Allah have mercy on us and forgive us and accept our effort to serve Him. Ameen!

Ramadan Mubarak and Eid Kareem!