Board Recruitment Process

Board Recruitment Process

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Now that the nomination window has closed, we wish to thank the members of the ISB-ISBCC communities who took the time to nominate individuals they believe meet the criteria to serve on the Board of Directors. We appreciate the time and effort you committed to this process.

The BRC received over a 100+ nominations! Many of the nominees declined, and other nominees did not submit all the requested materials - a resume and a statement of community involvement - despite outreach efforts by BRC members. All in all, an excellent pool of 55+ candidates has emerged, which far exceeds the number of seats available on the Board of Directors at this time.

The BRC will now evaluate each nominee's resume and statement of community involvement with an eye towards representing the diversity of our community, varied expertise/skill set (including community involvement), and track record of strategic mindset and temperament. After this initial evaluation, an assessment will be made to determine which candidates are to be interviewed. Chosen candidates will then go through the interview process; references will be checked; and a conclusive vote by the BRC will be taken to recommend candidates to the Trustees. It is our intention to submit recommendations to the Board of Trustees by early to mid-March.

We appreciate the participation of the ISB-ISBCC communities and your patience as we work on your behalf to develop a talented and dedicated Board of Directors for these blessed Houses of Allah.

Sincerely yours in Islam,
Board Recruitment Committee