Dear Beloved ISBCC Community, As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
We are writing to you to announce a change in policy regarding prayer spaces for Brothers and Sisters during Jum’ah at the ISBCC, and to explain the necessity for this action.
Alhamdulillah, Brothers and Sisters from throughout Massachussetts and beyond come to the ISBCC for Jum’ah. On many Fridays, we are faced with the logistical challenge of not being able to accommodate hundreds of Brothers on the main floor and the right side musallah on the third floor. Consequently, prayer rugs are placed in the common area of the masjid behind the area where the Sisters are praying all the way into the Café. This results in Brothers praying behind Sisters, which is unacceptable if it can be avoided in any way.
After much consideration and consultation with our Spiritual Team, the Administrative Team and key community members, we have determined that the most equitable solution is to designate one complete floor of the masjid for Brothers and one complete floor of the masjid for Sisters during Jum’ah. (The right side musallah on the first floor will continue to accommodate Sisters for the five daily prayers.)
Effective immediately, therefore, the entire third floor, to include the large prayer hall and both the right and left side musallah, are reserved for Sisters during Jum’ah. Brothers will occupy all the prayer spaces of the first floor. Any overflow of Brothers beyond those areas will be accommodated on the floor below.
We recognize that not every member of our beloved community will be happy with this decision. We ask that everyone submit their personal preferences to the guidance of Allah in all matters and especially regarding our communal worship on the blessed day of Jum’ah, secure in the knowledge that every member of the ISBCC community is welcome and respected in this House of Allah.
Sincerely yours in Islam,
ISBCC Spiritual Team
ISBCC Administration
ISBCC Ahl al-Masjid