ISBCC Updates


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhi Dear ISBCCers,

We wanted to share with you some wonderful news for our community (or as Shaykh Yasir likes to say the barakah of post-Ramadan).

Ramadan Goal

Alhamdulillah our community committed nearly $730,000 this Ramadan for the ISBCC. Thank you for your support for this house of Allah. May Allah accept each of your sacrifice, and please know that the ISBCC team – Board, staff, volunteers – is committed to utilizing this imana efficiently and only for His sake.

ISBCC Case Studies

A core reason that many of our community members support ISBCC with their time and effort is in the hopes that it becomes a model mosque whose best practices are replicated in other mosques regionally and nationally. Alhamdulillah, we are excited to announce that two case studies on our Imam Search Process and our Crisis Management in the aftermath of the Marathon bombing were just published by ISPU. These short case studies inshAllah can serve as useful guides for other mosques to adopt best practices used at our center.

We also did a Twitter Townhall with ISPU to answer questions regarding the Marathon bombing case study today. You can see the tweets on our ISBCC twitter account.

Barr Fellowship

Alhamdulillah our Executive Director Yusufi Vali was selected as one of 12 Boston leaders for the prestigious Barr Fellowship shortly after Ramadan. This is an amazing honor for our masjid and him. You can read all about what this Fellowship will mean for our ISBCC and him here.

Out of Many, One – Interfaith Work

After the joint event with GBIO, Senator Warren and Mayor Walsh last year, we launched a series of interfaith teach-ins with GBIO to keep our community and our partners informed of the challenges facing our community and how to help. The Barr Foundation, Boston Foundation, and Proteus Fund, Alhamdulillah, all are supporting this important work. Organized by our Civic Engagement Director Sr. Suzan El-Rayess, our last teach in happened this past Tuesday at Temple Isaiah in Lexington. Please keep a look out for more updates on this work.

ISBCC Annual Plan

After Ramadan, Shaykh Yasir, Yusufi, our board, and our staff begin to craft a draft plan for the upcoming year (Dhul Hijjah to Dhul Hijjah). Along with consulting the Advisory Team on this plan, please look for us to hold a community forum where we would like your feedback on the plan before we set it in place inshAllah. A date should be announced in the next month.

JazakumAllahu Khairan for all your support. Please make lots of duas that Allah keeps us on the straight path and allows us to grow closer to Him through our efforts and support of His houses like the ISBCC.